JQuery In Action.PDF

时间:2014-06-19 07:58:35
文件名称:JQuery In Action.PDF
更新时间:2014-06-19 07:58:35
JQuery WEB 开发 PDF A really good web development framework anticipates your needs. jQuery does more—it practically reads your mind. Developers fall in love with this JavaScript library the moment they see 20 lines of code reduced to three. jQuery is concise and readable. Its unique “chaining” model lets you perform multiple operations on a page element in succession, as in $(“div.elements”).addClass(“myClass”).load(“ajax_url”).fadeIn() jQuery in Action is a fast-paced introduction and guide. It shows you how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax to your web pages. The book's unique “lab pages” anchor the explanation of each new concept in a practical example. You'll learn how jQuery interacts with other tools and frameworks and how to build jQuery plugins. This book requires a modest knowledge of JavaScript and Ajax.


  • in action系列的书都挺不错,下下来备着
  • 很好的书 很有用 感谢楼主分享
  • 资源挺清晰
  • 经典的书籍,喜欢。
  • it's a very useful book for who wanna program with js and jquery!!
  • 不错的教程,讲的比较详细
  • The topics are very clearly illustrated.
  • 很不错的jquery教程,值得推荐
  • Excellent book, easy to understand. Also the quality of the book is good as well.