Electronics: A Systems Approach (3rd Edition)

时间:2021-01-01 16:45:59
文件名称:Electronics: A Systems Approach (3rd Edition)
更新时间:2021-01-01 16:45:59
Electronics "Electronics: A Systems Approach" purports to teach electronics from a top-down vs. the standard bottom-up approach (i.e. starting from low-level semiconductor physics and working up to applications). While it does start that way, Storey's book quickly becomes another conventional electronics textbook after ch 2 or so. (It also has a separate conventional section on digital electronics so it does not have an integrated approach in that regard despite statements to the contrary). This is a decent book but I'm disappointed that it did not live up to its own hype. I truly think that such a top-down book is needed, i.e. a book that starts from the high-level before working down to the specification level (datasheet level); before working down to the component and only then the transistor and semiconductor level. Instead most textbooks, including this one, drown you in detail that you'll only need if you're a mixed-signal IC chip designer. (Why spend so much time discussing transistor amplifiers when most engineers use op-amps?) What's really needed is a book that's useful for the typical engineer, who's mainly now a consumer of IC chips at the board-level and occasionally discrete-component level. Electronics textbooks are too general to be useful- a far better text for example would cover the system design (hardware, software and manufacturing) of something like a cellphone- explain cellular standards, and specifications first before working down to the component-level, etc.
