Cloud Application Architectures

时间:2012-12-02 08:51:02
文件名称:Cloud Application Architectures
更新时间:2012-12-02 08:51:02
Cloud Computing Application Architectures If you’re involved in planning IT infrastructure as a network or system architect, system administrator, or developer, this book will help you adapt your skills to work with these highly scalable, highly redundant infrastructure services. While analysts hotly debate the advantages and risks of cloud computing, IT staff and programmers are left to determine whether and how to put their applications into these virtualized services. Cloud Application Architectures provides answers — and critical guidance — on issues of cost, availability, performance, scaling, privacy, and security. With Cloud Application Architectures, you will: Understand the differences between traditional deployment and cloud computing Determine whether moving existing applications to the cloud makes technical and business sense Analyze and compare the long-term costs of cloud services, traditional hosting, and owning dedicated servers Learn how to build a transactional web application for the cloud or migrate one to it Understand how the cloud helps you better prepare for disaster recovery


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