Social Recommender Systems Tutorial - 2011.part2

时间:2014-09-22 16:51:38

文件名称:Social Recommender Systems Tutorial - 2011.part2



更新时间:2014-09-22 16:51:38

Social Recommender Systems

Tutorial Abstract The goal of this tutorial is to expose participants to the current research on social recommender systems (i.e., recommender systems for the social web). Participants will become fabvbamiliar with state-of-the-art recommendation methods, their classifications according to various criteria, common evaluation methodologies, and potential applications that can utilize social recommender systems. Additionally, open issues and challenges in the field will be discussed. Recommendation for the Social Web Social media sites have become tremendously popular in recent years. Prominent examples include photo and video sharing sites such as Flickr and YouTube, blog and wiki systems such as Blogger and Wikipedia, social tagging sites such as Delicious, social network sites such as MySpace and Facebook, and micro-blogging sites such as Twitter. Millions of users are active daily in these sites, creating rich information online that has not been available before. Yet, the abundance and popularity of social media sites floods users with huge volumes of information and hence poses a great challenge in terms of information overload. Social Recommender Systems (SRSs) aim to alleviate information overload over social media users by presenting the most attractive and relevant content. SRSs also aim at increasing adoption, engagement, and participation of new and existing users of social media sites. Recommendations of content (blogs, wikis, etc.) [5], tags [7], people [3], and communities [2] often use personalization techniques adapted to the needs and interests of the individual user, or a set of users [6].


  • 以色列海法IBM研究中心的人员在WWW 2011上作的tutorial演讲
  • 太贵了吧!还要下载另外一部分才行。
  • 课件的内容不错。谢谢分享。
  • 内容很不错,但是楼主把文档分成了两部分,第二部分竟然要10分啊
  • 内容很好,找了很久才找到,是目前介绍推荐系统较为详尽的一个文档,mahout in action也是不错的另外参考
  • 资源是不错,应该是作者演讲时用的ppt,对于推荐系统感兴趣的研究人员有很大的帮助,尤其是对新增的社会媒体部分的分类和介绍,这篇文章我也找到了,想要的朋友可以到我那免分下载。顺便说一句,楼主给资源加分的方式有点不厚道。。。
  • 是图片的啊~应该是作者去sliceshare截图下来的~ 蛮辛苦啊~ 吐个槽 竟然CSDN自带搜索搜不到这个~还是我看作者的页面看到的part2~
  • 本来打算给五星的,但是作者把文档分为两部分,第一部分免费,第二部分居然要10分。有欺骗用户的嫌疑,至少有策略的嫌疑。这个文档本身比较好。作者把推荐系统的搜有问题都给了罗列,对文献和现状分析很透侧,对领域相关人员值得一看。