索引信息更新-sybase15.7 for linux 6 安装与创建服务

时间:2024-05-15 16:00:41

文件名称:索引信息更新-sybase15.7 for linux 6 安装与创建服务



更新时间:2024-05-15 16:00:41

sybase linux 6

索引信息更新 select "reorg rebuild "+ name +';' from sysobjects where type="U";基本语法: reorg rebuild table_name [index_name] 例一,重建表tb1及其之上的所有索引: 1> reorg rebuild tb1 2> go Beginning REORG REBUILD of 'tb1'. There are approximately 1 pages to be processed. Non-clustered index (index id = 2) is being rebuilt. REORG REBUILD of 'tb1' completed. 例二,重建表tb1上的索引tb1_ind: 1> reorg rebuild tb1 tb1_ind 2> go There are approximately 1 pages to be processed. 注意: 重建索引的表的加锁模式只能是数据页锁(datapages)或数据行锁(datarows),不能是全部页锁(allpages),否则报错。
