
时间:2022-08-08 10:02:06




更新时间:2022-08-08 10:02:06


YACS 是一个强大的 PHP 脚本,可以让你维护一个动态的 Web 服务器。特性:- Runs on your own server, or on a shared web site- Post articles with web forms, by e-mail, or remotely (w:bloggar)- Embed images and photos in articles --automatic resize- Each section can be a weblog, a discussion board, a book of cooking recipes,etc, or even a plain list of articles- Overlay interface for PHP developers, to add extra functionality to articles,such as polls or cooking recipes- Display the content tree in Freemind- Comments, with quoting- Archives per week and per month- The home page is updated automatically on article publishing- Categories, sub-categories, etc. --Build your own Yahoo! or DMOZ...- Real-time meetings with community members- Private discussions and messages- Search on any word --text of articles is fully indexed- Multiple authors --actually, a community of contributors- Articles are visible only on publication after review by editors- Articles and sections can have dead-line to limit visibility over time- A straightforward control panel, and a set of configuration panels- File upload to articles , sections or categories- Attach links to articles, sections or categories- A comprehensive set of UBB-like codes are available to beautify your posts- Integrated support of TinyMCE and of FCKEditor- Fully customizable skins- Easy integration of Google Maps- Add a comprehensive web interface to existing collections of files- Support audio-on demand and video-on demand- Automatic web slideshow for shared photos- RSS syndication- Easy installation- XML-RPC interface (implementing the Blogger API and metaWeblog API) 标签:YACS
