文件名称:HPC Media Player Distribution for MIPS and ARM
更新时间:2013-04-01 11:33:08
HPC Media Player Distribution for
HPC Media Player Distribution for MIPS and ARM: 22/10/2006 This distribution is based on the latest TCPMP build (0.72 RC1) made by Picard and the CorePlayer team, with several changes and add-ons. The source code may be downloaded here: http://picard.exceed.hu/tcpmp/test/ The following changes have been made to the original standard package: -1) brand new artwork: new icons, new buttons (basic skin) to update the boring TCPMP look-and-feel, -2) the following official plugins have been included: ffmpeg, ac3 -3) added: unofficial AAC plugin -4) added: Windows Media 9 plugins for MIPS and ARM ( this is a required component to play all WMV files with sound on CE versions lower than 4.20) The following CAB files should work with all CE 2.11+ devices; however, some components may not work correctly on old devices ( Windows Media playback has not been tested on CE2.11). Supported video file containers: AVI, MOV (quicktime), WMV, MP4, MPG
Gapi for all devices
----GAPI Readme.txt(877B)
HPC Media Player.arm.cab
Player Readme.rtf
HPC Media Player.mips.cab