flash media server 4 帮助文档

时间:2014-03-08 08:54:24
文件名称:flash media server 4 帮助文档
更新时间:2014-03-08 08:54:24
FMS4帮助文档 flash media server 4 帮助文档 Server-Side ActionScript is Adobe’s name for JavaScript 1.5. Flash Media Server has an embedded Java-Script engine that compiles and executes server-side scripts. This Server-Side ActionScript Language Reference documents the Flash Media Server host environment classes and functions. You can also use core Java-Script classes, functions, statements, and operators. For more information, see the Core JavaScript 1.5 Reference on http://developer.mozilla.org/En. For more information about JavaScript, see “About JavaScript” on http://developer.mozilla.org/En. Server-Side ActionScript is similar, but not identical, to ActionScript 1.0. Both languages are based on ECMAScript (ECMA-262) edition 3 language specification. Server-Side ActionScript runs in the Mozilla SpiderMonkey engine embedded in Flash Media Server. ActionScript 1.0 runs in AVM1 (ActionScript Virtual Machine 1) in Adobe® Flash® Player. SpiderMonkey implemented the ECMAScript specification exactly and Flash Player AVM1 did not. The biggest difference between Server-Side ActionScript and ActionScript 1.0 is that Server-Side ActionScript is case-sensitive.


  • 看不懂,不过还是谢谢了
  • 适合一般的开发者了
  • 纯英文的,吃力啊
  • 书是不错,就是全英文的。吃力
  • 资源还是不错的。。只是都是英文到
  • 英文的,看着吃力,没办法,对我来说用不了。
  • 英文文档,配合其它中文文档,可以理解大概。有参考作用。
  • 纯英文的,不太方便查阅
  • 全英文的 比较全 但是不是特别好用
  • 全英文的 比较累 这网站上面有一篇中文的 但是内容知道FMS2而已 但是已经足以适合一般的开发者了。