更新时间:2021-12-30 04:31:36
英文书籍 非牛顿流体 数值分析
英文版关于非牛顿流体数值分析的简单介绍,“During the past decades, giant needs for ever more sophisticated mathematical models and increasingly complex and extensive computer simulations have arisen. In this fashion, two indissociable activities, mathematical modeling and computer simulation, have gained a major status in all aspects of science, technology and industry. In order that these two sciences be established on the safest possible grounds, mathematical rigor is indispensable. For this reason, two companion sciences, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Software, have emerged as essential steps for validating the mathematical models and the computer simulations that are based on them. Numerical Analysis is here understood as the part of Mathematics that describes and analyzes all the numerical schemes that are used on computers; its objective consists in obtaining a clear, precise, and faithful, representation of all the “information” contained in a mathematical model; as such, it is the natural extension of more classical tools, such as analytic solutions, special transforms, functional analysis, as well as stability and asymptotic analysis.”