文件名称:cs231n 课程笔记
更新时间:2020-06-28 11:01:13
cs231n 课程笔记(中英文版都有)
--------Module 2-2-Understanding and Visualizing Convolutional Neural Networks.pdf(1.01MB)
--------Module 2-1-Convolutional Neural Networks Architectures, Convolution Pooling Layers.pdf(1.15MB)
--------Module 2-3-Transfer Learning and Fine-tuning Convolutional Neural Networks.pdf(64KB)
--------Module 1-6-Neural Networks Part 2 Setting up the Data and the Loss.pdf(951KB)
--------Module 1-4-Backpropagation, Intuitions.pdf(438KB)
--------Module 1-3-Optimization Stochastic Gradient Descent.pdf(562KB)
--------Module 1-7-Neural Networks Part 3 Learning and Evaluation.pdf(726KB)
--------Module 1-8-Putting it together Minimal Neural Network Case Study.pdf(566KB)
--------Module 1-1-Image Classification Data-driven Approach, k-Nearest Neighbor, trainvaltest splits.pdf(1.68MB)
--------Module 0-Python Numpy Tutorial.pdf(611KB)
--------Module 1-5-Neural Networks Part 1 Setting up the Architecture.pdf(881KB)
--------Module 1-2-Linear classification Support Vector Machine, Softmax I.pdf(956KB)