Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis

时间:2014-03-28 16:09:45
文件名称:Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
更新时间:2014-03-28 16:09:45
statistics This market-leading book offers a readable introduction to the statistical analysis of multivariate observations. Its overarching goal is to provide readers with the knowledge necessary to make proper interpretations and select appropriate techniques for analyzing multivariate data. Chapter topics include aspects of multivariate analysis, matrix algebra and random vectors, sample geometry and random sampling, the multivariate normal distribution, inferences about a mean vector, comparisons of several multivariate means, multivariate linear regression models, principal components, factor analysis and inference for structured covariance matrices, canonical correlation analysis, and discrimination and classification. For experimental scientists in a variety of disciplines.


  • 多元统计分析方向不错的资源,谢谢分享
  • 还不错的一本书,应用统计学的研究生可以看一下
  • 内容很详尽,相比 “An introduction to multivariate statistical analysis” 有很多的例子,和图例。并且介绍了geometrical interpretation. 很不错。
  • 07年第6版的,扫描版,文字不清晰还扭曲,勉强看吧。