
时间:2024-06-10 08:32:53




更新时间:2024-06-10 08:32:53


elm分类器matlab代码 MachineLearning&LandUse   随着学习材料的增多,我们试图以一种简便有效的方式将相关材料整理汇总,以便进一步研究。下面的材料是近一段时间以来关于机器学习及其在遥感图像的应用的方面的论文和代码材料汇总。 With the increasing of learning material, we are trying to have a simple and effective way to collect related materials for further study. The following materials is something about machine learning and its application of remote sensing image papers and source code recently. 本项目的参与者(Collaborators): 维护者: 支持者: 近期动态(Recent developments) 待补充 索引(Index) 特别关注(Focus) 教程(Tutorial

--------Land Use Classification in Remote Sensing Images by Convolutional Neural Networks.pdf(3.08MB)
--------Deep Learning for Remote Sensing Data.pdf(3.53MB)
--------Unsupervised Deep Feature Extraction for Remote Sensing Image Classification.pdf(2.63MB)
--------A Color-Texture-Structure Descriptor for High-Resolution Satellite Image Classification.pdf(9.1MB)
--------Deep learning based classification of hyperspectral data.pdf(2.67MB)
--------High-resolution satellite scene classification using a sparse coding based multiple feature combination.pdf(15.14MB)
--------Cluster structured sparse representation for high resolution satellite image classification.pdf(313KB)
--------Multiview Deep Learning for Land-Use Classification .pdf(1.09MB)
--------A Deep Belief Network for Classifying Remotely-Sensed Hyperspectral Data.pdf(1.36MB)
--------Transferring Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for the Scene Classification of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery.pdf(5.07MB)
