
时间:2016-11-03 08:10:34
更新时间:2016-11-03 08:10:34
PID #include <string h> #include <stdio h> PID Function The PID 比例 积分 微分 function is used in mainly control applications PIDCalc performs one iteration of the PID algorithm While the PID function works main is just a dummy program showing a typical usage typedef struct PID { double SetPoint; 设定目标 Desired Value double Proportion; 比例常数 Proportional Const double Integral; 积分常数 Integral Const double Derivative; 微分常数 Derivative Const double LastError; Error[ 1] double PrevError; Error[ 2] double SumError; Sums of Errors } PID; PID计算部分 double PIDCalc PID pp double NextPoint { double dError Error;">#include <string h> #include <stdio h> PID Function The PID 比例 积分 微分 function is used in mainly control applications PIDCalc performs one iteration of the PID [更多]


  • 没能运行起来,但还是有借鉴意义的 ,赞一个
  • without tunning part..but not bad!