
时间:2022-01-17 04:53:17
更新时间:2022-01-17 04:53:17
reactive design patte 反应式 响应式 Reactive Design Pattern Even before I had officially joined the Akka team, Mike Stephens from Manning tried to convince me to write a book on Akka. I was tempted to say yes, but in the context of an impending change of jobs and countries, my wife brought me to my senses: such a project would be too much to handle. The idea of writing a book stuck in my head, though. Three years later—after the Reactive Manifesto had been published—Martin Odersky, Erik Meijer, and I taught the course Principles of Reactive Programming on the Coursera platform, reaching more than 120,000 students in two iterations. The idea for that course had been born at a Typesafe engineering meeting where I suggested to Martin that we should nurture the blossoming movement of Reactive programming by demonstrating how to use these tools effectively while avoiding the pitfalls—my own experience answering questions on the Akka mailing list had given me a good idea of the topics people commonly struggled with.
