Introduction to Programming using SML

时间:2016-05-08 15:50:02
文件名称:Introduction to Programming using SML
更新时间:2016-05-08 15:50:02
FP SML 函数式编程 ML 找N久... 作者: Michael Hansen / Hans Rischel 出版社: Addison Wesley 丛书名: International Computer Science Series 出版年: 1999-7-21 页数: 384 定价: USD 39.00 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780201398205 Introduction to Programming using SML provides a thorough introduction to the principles of programming and program design using the Standard ML programming language. The emphasis throughout is to put the theory of programming into practice. The examples and exercises teach the student how to apply basic theoretical concepts to produce succinct and elegant programs and program designs. Coverage includes an introduction to fundamental data structures and their applications. The notions of binding, environment, store, closure and evaluation are introduced in order to explain the meaning of programs in an informal but precise way. Thus, the authors provide the reader with a set of durable programming concepts which will exist well into the next generation of programming languages.


  • 函数式编程应该会火。我有一本中文ml程序设计看了很想看看本书。