这个运行了以后出现了operation failed
Could not read application settings. File settings.xml does not exist.
Please contact your system administrator to resolve the problem.
这个可以用 只是比较麻烦一下 说明很详细
用win7,XP系统 打开都提示operation failed could not read application settings。file setting.xml does not exist. please contact your system administration to resolve the problem
打开提示operation failed could not read application settings。file setting.xml does not exist. please contact your system administration to resolve the problem,用不了啊~!!!难道要换个系统重试???
不能使用,打开提示operation failed
could not read application settings。file setting.xml does not exist.
please contact your system administration to resolve the problem,无法读取应用程序?难道跟我win8系统有关?