
时间:2015-02-04 06:16:01
更新时间:2015-02-04 06:16:01
按每帧显示图像 UINT PlayVideo( LPVOID pParam ) { int i;//,j; BOOL bPlay = g_bPlay; BOOL bEof = FALSE; CYUVviewerDlg *pWin = (CYUVviewerDlg *)pParam; UINT picsize = pWin->m_nWidth*pWin->m_nHeight; int timespan = 1000/atoi(pWin->m_sFrameRate); if(g_nCurrentFrame < g_nStartFrame) g_nCurrentFrame = g_nStartFrame; if(g_nCurrentFrame > g_nEndFrame) g_nCurrentFrame = g_nEndFrame; for(i=0; im_iCount; i++) { pWin->m_pFile[i]->Seek(g_nCurrentFrame*picsize*3/2, SEEK_SET); pWin->m_pWnd[i]->nPicShowOrder = g_nCurrentFrame; } HANDLE hPlayTemp1 = OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,"Play"); while(g_nCurrentFrame >= g_nStartFrame && g_nCurrentFrame <= g_nEndFrame && !bEof) { DWORD t2=GetTickCount(); g_nFrameNumber = g_nCurrentFrame;//j; if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(hPlayTemp1,INFINITE) ) ReleaseMutex( hPlayTemp1 ); for(i=0; im_iCount; i++) { pWin->m_pFile[i]->Seek(g_nCurrentFrame*picsize*3/2, SEEK_SET); if(picsize != pWin->m_pFile[i]->Read(pWin->m_pWnd[i]->Y,picsize)) { AfxMessageBox("Get to end of file"); bEof = TRUE; break; } if(1)//bColorImage) { if(picsize/4 != pWin->m_pFile[i]->Read(pWin->m_pWnd[i]->Cb,picsize/4)) { AfxMessageBox("Get to end of file"); bEof = TRUE; break; } if(picsize/4 != pWin->m_pFile[i]->Read(pWin->m_pWnd[i]->Cr,picsize/4)) { AfxMessageBox("Get to end of file"); bEof = TRUE; break; } } pWin->m_pWnd[i]->InvalidateRect (NULL,FALSE); pWin->m_pWnd[i]->UpdateWindow (); pWin->m_pWnd[i]->nPicShowOrder=g_nCurrentFrame; } if(g_bReversePlay == FALSE) g_nCurrentFrame++; else g_nCurrentFrame--; int t1=GetTickCount()-t2; if(t1 < timespan) Sleep(timespan - t1); // sleep time in milliseconds } pWin->m_pWinThread = NULL; AfxEndThread(0); return 1; }


  • 怎么还使用了一种cscc.lib的库文件啊
  • 表示我是初学者,对这段代码还在学习中,不过感觉上传者很认真,谢谢