matlab面向对象编程教程-A Guide to MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming - Register, CRC 2007.rar

时间:2022-09-01 22:46:23
文件名称:matlab面向对象编程教程-A Guide to MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming - Register, CRC 2007.rar
更新时间:2022-09-01 22:46:23
matlab matlab面向对象编程教程-A Guide to MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming - Register, CRC 2007.rar 最近想好好学学matlab面向对象编程的一些东西(以前也自学过,但现在想系统学一下,libsvm工具箱几乎已经没有什么可以更新的了。所以想学点新的东西,人总得往前走,多学点东西,过去的翻过去就好了。OO~)。 这一段除了在学习 matlab oop 还把 matlab并行计算的研究学习了一下。 现在想实际做点东西。呵呵~ 在网上一顿搜索,在科学网找到了一个不错的教程(当然matlab oop 的 help文件也是很好的教程) 所以分享一下 === 书籍介绍 A Guide to MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming is the first book to deliver broad coverage of the documented and undocumented object-oriented features of MATLAB®. Unlike the typical approach of other resources, this guide explains why each feature is important, demonstrates how each feature is used, and promotes an understanding of the interactions between features. Assuming an intermediate level of MATLAB programming knowledge, the book not only concentrates on MATLAB coding techniques but also discusses topics critical to general software development. It introduces fundamentals first before integrating these concepts into example applications. In the first section, the book discusses eight basic functions: constructor, subsref, subsasgn, display, struct, fieldnames, get, and set. Building on the previous section, it explores inheritance topics and presents the Class Wizard, a powerful MATLAB class generation tool. The final section delves into advanced strategies, including containers, static variables, and function fronts. With more than 20 years of experience designing and implementing object-oriented software, the expert author has developed an accessible and comprehensive book that aids readers in creating effective object-oriented software using MATLAB. MATLAB的对象指南导向程式的第一本书是提供广泛的覆盖面证件和无证件对象的MATLAB ®导向的功能。与其他资源的典型做法,本指南解释了为什么每一个功能很重要,每个功能演示如何使用,促进了功能之间的相互作用的理解。 假设MATLAB的编程知识的中级水平,这本书不仅集中在MATLAB的编码技术,并讨论重要议题一般的软件开发。它引入例如前申请纳入这些概念基本条件。在第一部分,这本书讨论了8个基本功能:构造,subsref,subsasgn,显示,结构,字段名,获得,并设置。在上一节为基础,它继承专题探讨,并提出了类向导,一个强大的MATLAB的类生成工具。最后一节将深入讨论先进的战略,包括集装箱,静态变量和功能方面。 拥有超过20年的经验,制定和实施面向对象的软件,专家作者已经开发出了方便和全面的书,用MATLAB建立有效的面向对象的软件辅助读者。 === A Guide to MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming - Register, CRC 2007.rar 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 中文参考译名:A至MATLAB的面向对象编程指南 Author: Andy H. Register Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC Keywords: programming, oriented, object, matlab, guide Number of Pages: 384 Published: 2007-05-14 List price: $83.95 ISBN-10: 158488911X ============令外 MATLAB中有关类开发视频指南 MATLAB面向对象技术交流平台 MATLAB与C 、Java及其它语言的对比例程 MATLAB类使用文档 传感器应用代码 面向对象编程资料 本文来自CSDN博客,转载请标明出处: ISBN-13: 9781584889113
A Guide to MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming - Register, CRC 2007.pdf
