更新时间:2021-09-30 09:33:42
资源包含三个文件:规划路线、正文、模型。官方介绍为:Communication is a major enabling technology for the Smart Grid.The current needs are projected based on key technologies and drivers for the Smart Grid These can be grouped into five categories: 1) Demand-response (including local storage and distributed energy resource integration) and demand forecasting, 2) Grid operation and diagnostics, 3) Integration of renewables (large generation) and micro-grids, 4) Home communication, and 5) Security and privacy.
Smart Grid Research Communications -2013: IEEE Vision for Smart Grid Communications 2030 and Beyond Reference Model.pdf
Smart Grid Research Communications -2013: IEEE Vision for Smart Grid Communications 2030 and Beyond Roadmap.pdf
Smart Grid Research Communications -2013: IEEE Vision for Smart Grid Communications 2030 and Beyond.pdf