
时间:2024-05-12 07:16:28




更新时间:2024-05-12 07:16:28


设备配置准备工作 Step Action 1 将备份硬件设备与设备控制主机连好. 2 正确安装设备驱动. 3 确认操作系统工具可以认到设备。 4 NetBackup 安装在 UNIX 介质服务器后, 确认设备可用用操作系统上的专用工具. 5 获取设备身份信息. First let’s talk about a little bit of background information that you need before you can start configuring devices. >>> First of all, hardware devices must be attached to the server that acts as the device host. >>> Also the appropriate drivers must be installed, and a SCSI pass-through driver is required on UNIX Media Servers . For information regarding SCSI pass-through drivers you can refer to the NetBackup 6.x Media Manager Device Configuration guide. Details are specific to each platform, so you can look up the different OS platforms and determine what requirements there are. >>> You need to configure the devices so that the OS can see them. If the OS cannot see the devices, meaning they are not available for view through the operating system, you need to solve that problem before moving forward. >>> Once NetBackup is installed, then you can use some of the operating system tools to verify that the devices are accessible. Some of the tools you can use are: On Solaris, there is the SGSCAN utility, which is part of NetBackup, and will let you see the devices. HP has IOSCAN. AIX has LSDEV. In Windows, you can use the Device Manager. Some reasons why you might not be able to see the device are: It is possible the device was hooked up after the machine was booted, and the machine does not see the device. In that case, on Windows you can scan for devices. On Solaris you may have to run DRV-CONFIG for tapes or the DEV-FS-ADM utility in order to be able to see the devices. If all else fails, you can reboot, although you should only use that as a last resort. Other reasons why the device might not be apparent to you are: the cabling is not hooked up correctly, the device is physically turned off, etc. >>> So once you can see all the device information, write it down, and then you are ready to proceed with installing and configuring the device.
