
时间:2021-04-22 13:30:20
更新时间:2021-04-22 13:30:20
SYMANTEC,BE2010 问题日趋严重,急待解决 50% 数据量年增幅超过 50-60% * 灾难恢复需要更长的时间来完成 存储增长速度 超过了IT 预算和人员的增长速度 信息流不畅导致业务中断,数据丢失事件频发成为媒体热门话题 服务器虚拟化 资源整合 云计算 *资料来源:IDC 信息爆炸 预算有限 恢复与查询 数据中心 变革 We will begin our presentation with a brief look at the state of Information Management. Despite recognizing information as a business critical asset most organizations do not have a coordinated Information Management strategy. In fact they spend more time managing technology than the information. We all know from our own email experience that the volume of information is exploding – estimates show information growing 50-60% per year. And we also know that copies of information exist everywhere and organizations are saving information for longer periods of time for corporate governance or legal reasons. As a result storage growth is outpacing IT budgets. More information leads to increased storage costs, slower Disaster Recovery, and slower e-discovery times. Managing information is critical and not managing it is not an option. It is the lifeblood of business and not managing it effectively and efficiently results in data loss, impaired decision making and collaboration and the loss of critical linkages to customers and business partners resulting in lost revenue and worse – loss of reputation. However, no one said Information Management is an easy task, especially with data centers introducing new levels of complexity via virtualization and cloud computing. Now IT is dealing with moving information back and forth between physical/ virtual and logical environments. 7
