更新时间:2018-03-26 08:49:25
swift 侧边菜单
SlideMenuControllerSwift ======================== [](https://developer.apple.com/iphone/index.action) [](https://developer.apple.com/swift) [](http://mit-license.org) [](https://github.com/dekatotoro/SlideMenuControllerSwift/issues?state=open) iOS Slide View based on iQON, Feedly, Google+, Ameba iPhone app.  ##Installation ####CocoaPods comming soon... ####Manually Add the `SlideMenuController.swift` file to your project. ##Usage ###Setup In your app delegate: ```swift func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool { // create viewController code... let slideMenuController = SlideMenuController(mainViewController: mainViewController, leftMenuViewController: leftViewController, rightMenuViewController: rightViewController) self.window?.rootViewController = slideMenuController self.window?.makeKeyAndVisible() return true } ``` If you want to use the custom option, please change the SlideMenuOption class. ```swift class SlideMenuOption { let leftViewWidth: CGFloat = 270.0 let leftBezelWidth: CGFloat = 16.0 let contentViewScale: CGFloat = 0.96 let contentViewOpacity: CGFloat = 0.5 let shadowOpacity: CGFloat = 0.0 let shadowRadius: CGFloat = 0.0 let shadowOffset: CGSize = CGSizeMake(0,0) let panFromBezel: Bool = true let animationDuration: CGFloat = 0.4 let rightViewWidth: CGFloat = 270.0 let rightBezelWidth: CGFloat = 16.0 let rightPanFromBezel: Bool = true let hideStatusBar: Bool = true let pointOfNoReturnWidth: CGFloat = 44.0 init() { } } ``` ###You can access from UIViewController ```swift self.slideMenuController()? ``` or ```swift if let slideMenuController = self.slideMenuController() { // some code } ``` ### add navigationBarButton ```swift viewController.addLeftBarButtonWithImage(UIImage(named: "hoge")!) viewController.addRightBarButtonWithImage(UIImage(named: "fuga")!) ``` ### open and close ```swift // Open self.slideMenuController()?.openLeft() self.slideMenuController()?.openRight() // close self.slideMenuController()?.closeLeft() self.slideMenuController()?.closeRight() ``` ## Requirements Requires iOS 7.0 and ARC. ## Features - Highly customizable - Complete example ## Contributing Forks, patches and other feedback are welcome. ## Creator [Yuji Hato](https://github.com/dekatotoro) [Blog](http://buzzmemo.blogspot.jp/) ## License SlideMenuControllerSwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.