The Art of Memory Forensics

时间:2018-01-12 10:15:04

文件名称:The Art of Memory Forensics



更新时间:2018-01-12 10:15:04


Memory forensics provides cutting edge technology to help investigate digital attacks Memory forensics is the art of analyzing computer memory (RAM) to solve digital crimes. As a follow-up to the best seller Malware Analyst's Cookbook, experts in the fields of malware, security, and digital forensics bring you a step-by-step guide to memory forensics—now the most sought after skill in the digital forensics and incident response fields. Beginning with introductory concepts and moving toward the advanced, The Art of Memory Forensics: Detecting Malware and Threats in Windows, Linux, and Mac Memory is based on a five day training course that the authors have presented to hundreds of students. It is the only book on the market that focuses exclusively on memory forensics and how to deploy such techniques properly. Discover memory forensics techniques: How volatile memory analysis improves digital investigations Proper investigative steps for detecting stealth malware and advanced threats How to use free, open source tools for conducting thorough memory forensics Ways to acquire memory from suspect systems in a forensically sound manner The next era of malware and security breaches are more sophisticated and targeted, and the volatile memory of a computer is often overlooked or destroyed as part of the incident response process. The Art of Memory Forensics explains the latest technological innovations in digital forensics to help bridge this gap. It covers the most popular and recently released versions of Windows, Linux, and Mac, including both the 32 and 64-bit editions.


  • 打不开啊,我在下一遍
  • 不错的资料。讲的比较全
  • 很不错的一本关于内存取证的资料书,要是有第二版的就更好了!
  • 一本好书,多谢分享
  • 是电子版的资源,比复印的清晰很多,有空慢慢研究,感谢分享!
  • Windows Linux MacOS 都讲到了,揭开内存的秘密
  • 英文原版,原汁原味.不错
  • 非常好的一本书
  • very good,A nice book for learning memory analysis
  • This book is very helpful to dig into memory of linux.
  • 非常好的书籍 谢谢
  • 不错的资料。讲的比较全,莫有时间看完,只看了自己感兴趣的一小部分,讲的确实细。
  • 很不错,只是全是英文
  • 从作者编写的开源工具找到了此书,取证方面权威著作,只可惜没有翻译。
  • The best Memory Forensics book