Parallel Programming in OpenMP

时间:2012-03-02 09:57:16
文件名称:Parallel Programming in OpenMP
更新时间:2012-03-02 09:57:16
Parallel OpenMP The OpenMP standard allows programmers to take advantage of new shared-memory multiprocessor systems from vendors like Compaq, Sun, HP, and SGI. Aimed at the working researcher or scientific C/C++ or Fortran programmer, Parallel Programming in OpenMP both explains what this standard is and how to use it to create software that takes full advantage of parallel computing. At its heart, OpenMP is remarkably simple. By adding a handful of compiler directives (or pragmas) in Fortran or C/C++, plus a few optional library calls, programmers can "parallelize" existing software without completely rewriting it. This book starts with simple examples of how to parallelize "loops"--iterative code that in scientific software might work with very large arrays. Sample code relies primarily on Fortran (undoubtedly the language of choice for high-end numerical software) with descriptions of the equivalent calls and strategies in C/C++. Each sample is thoroughly explained, and though the style in this book is occasionally dense, it does manage to give plenty of practical advice on how to make code run in parallel efficiently. The techniques explored include how to tweak the default parallelized directives for specific situations, how to use parallel regions (beyond simple loops), and the dos and don'ts of effective synchronization (with critical sections and barriers). The book finishes up with some excellent advice for how to cooperate with the cache mechanisms of today's OpenMP-compliant systems.


  • 不小心删掉了,再次来下
  • 相当不错的书,谢谢。
  • 非常好,正是想要的!
  • openmp的经典之作,正版的要800多rmb。。。
  • 讲解OpenMPI的好书,用来学并行计算
  • 学习openMP并行编程,很有参考价值
  • 相当精美的一本书!绝非影印版。内容经典不用说。