Designing a Wireless network

时间:2011-04-17 15:29:43
文件名称:Designing a Wireless network
更新时间:2011-04-17 15:29:43
network Wireless Designing a Wireless network

Foreword xxv

From Past to Present 1

Introduction 2

Exploring Past Discoveries That Led to Wireless 4
Discovering Electromagnetism 4

Exploring Conduction 6

Inventing the Radio 6

Mounting Radio-Telephones in Cars 8

Inventing Computers and Networks 9

Inventing Cell Phones 11

Exploring Present Applications for Wireless 12
Vertical Markets 13
Using Wireless in Delivery Services 14
Using Wireless for Public Safety 14
Using Wireless in the Financial World 15
Using Wireless in the Retail World 15
Using Wireless in Monitoring
Applications 16
Applying Wireless Technology to Horizontal
Applications 16
Using Wireless in Messaging 17
Using Wireless for Mapping 17
Using Wireless for Web Surfing 17
Exploring This Book on Wireless 18

Summary 19
Solutions Fast Track 20
Frequently Asked Questions 21
Chapter 2 Radio Elements and Frequency Spectrums 23
Introduction 24
Learn the Properties of Transmitting Radio Signals Over EM Waves 24
Anatomy of a Waveform 25
Modulating a Radio Signal 27
a = Amplitude
Propagating a Strong Radio Signal 34
v = Velocity of Propagation
Understanding Signal Power and
τ = Period
Signal-to-Noise Ratio 35
λ = Wavelength
Attenuation 36
? = Frequency
Rain Attenuation 39
Bouncing 39
Refracting 41
Line of Sight 42
Penetration 43
Understanding the Wireless Elements 45
Generic Radio Components 45
Antennas 49
Omnidirectional Antennas 50
Directional Antennas 51
Base Stations and Mobile Stations 56
Access Points 57
Channelizing the Frequency Spectrum 57
Channelizing 59
Channel Bandwidth 59
Channel Spacing and Buffer Zones 60
Multichannel Systems and Channel
Offsets 61
Extending the Number of Channels
(Frequency Reuse) 61
Seven Cell Frequency Reuse 62
Multiple Accessing 63

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Contents xv
Regulating Wireless Communications 64
Regulatory Agencies 64
The Need to Know 65
Regulations for Low Power,Unlicensed
Transmitters 66
Summary 68
Solutions Fast Track 69
Frequently Asked Questions 71
Chapter 3 TCP/IP and the OSI Model 73
Learn to Configure
Introduction 74
and Maintain Routes
Exploring the OSI and DoD Models 74
for Full Connectivity
Layer 1:The Physical Layer 75
Layer 2:The Data-Link Layer 75
Layer 3:The Network Layer 77
Layer 4:The Transport Layer 78
Layer 5:The Session Layer 78
Layer 6:The Presentation Layer 79
Layer 7:The Application Layer 80
OSI and DoD Correlation 81
Understanding the Network Access Layer 81
Using Bridging 82
The Ethernet Protocol 85
Static Routing in a
Understanding the ARP Process 86
Multihop, Multipath
Wireless Protocols 87
Other Network Access Protocols 88
Understanding the Internet Layer 88
The Internet Protocol 89
IP Addressing 91
Conserving Address Space with VLSM 93
Routing 95
The Internet Control Message Protocol 101
Understanding the Host-to-Host Layer 101
User Datagram Protocol 102
Transmission Control Protocol 102
Managing the Application Layer 105
Monitoring Tools:SNMP 105

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xvi Contents
Assigning Addresses with DHCP 105
Conserving with Network Address
Translation 106
Summary 110
Solution Fast Track 111
Frequently Asked Questions 113
Chapter 4 Identifying Evolving Wireless
Technologies and Standards 115
Understand Bluetooth
Introduction 116
Piconet and Scatternet
Fixed Wireless Technologies 117
Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service 117
Local Multipoint Distribution Services 119
Wireless Local Loop 120
Piconet 1 Piconet 2
Point-to-Point Microwave 121
Wireless Local Area Networks 122
10 m
Why the Need for a Wireless LAN Standard? 123
What Exactly Does the 802.11 Standard
Define? 125
Does the 802.11 Standard Guarantee
Compatibility across Different Vendors? 128
802.11b 130
802.11a 131
802.11e 132
Developing WLANs through the 802.11
Architecture 133
The Basic Service Set 133
The Extended Service Set 135
Services to the 802.11 Architecture 135
The CSMA-CA Mechanism 138
The RTS/CTS Mechanism 138
Acknowledging the Data 139
Configuring Fragmentation 140
Using Power Management Options 140
Multicell Roaming 140
Security in the WLAN 141

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Contents xvii
Developing WPANs through the 802.15
Architecture 143
Bluetooth 144
HomeRF 147
High Performance Radio LAN 147
Mobile Wireless Technologies 148
First Generation Technologies 150
Second Generation Technologies 150
2.5G Technology 150
Third Generation Technologies 151
Wireless Application Protocol 151
Global System for Mobile Communications 153
General Packet Radio Service 155
Short Message Service 155
Optical Wireless Technologies 156
Summary 157
Solutions Fast Track 159
Frequently Asked Questions 163
Chapter 5 Designing a Wireless Network 165
Introduction 166
Create a Detailed
Exploring the Design Process 166
Physical Design
Conducting the Preliminary Investigation 167
Performing Analysis of the Existing
Equipment model
Environment 168
Cabling details
Creating a Preliminary Design 169
Rack details
Finalizing the Detailed Design 169
Executing the Implementation 170
Capturing the Documentation 171
Physical location of
Identifying the Design Methodology 172
Creating the Network Plan 173
Detailed RF design
Gathering the Requirements 173
Baselining the Existing Network 175
Analyzing the Competitive Practices 176
Beginning the Operations Planning 176
Performing a Gap Analysis 176
Creating a Technology Plan 177

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xviii Contents
Creating an Integration Plan 178
Beginning the Collocation Planning 178
Performing a Risk Analysis 179
Creating an Action Plan 179
Preparing the Planning Deliverables 180
Developing the Network Architecture 180
Reviewing and Validating the Planning
Phase 181
Creating a High-Level Topology 181
Creating a Collocation Architecture 182
Defining the High-Level Services 182
Creating a High-Level Physical Design 183
Defining the Operations Services 183
Creating a High-Level Operating Model 184
Evaluating the Products 184
Creating an Action Plan 185
Creating the Network Architecture
Deliverable 186
Formalizing the Detailed Design Phase 186
Reviewing and Validating the Network
Architecture 186
Creating the Detailed Topology 187
Creating a Detailed Service Collocation
Design 188
Creating the Detailed Services 188
Creating a Detailed Physical Design 189
Creating a Detailed Operations Design 190
Creating a Detailed Operating Model
Design 190
Creating a Training Plan 191
Developing a Maintenance Plan 192
Developing an Implementation Plan 192
Creating the Detailed Design Documents 192
Understanding Wireless Network Attributes
from a Design Perspective 193
Application Support 194
Subscriber Relationships 196

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Contents xix
Physical Landscape 197
Network Topology 200
Network Security 201
Summary 203
Solutions Fast Track 204
Frequently Asked Questions 206
Chapter 6 Designing a Wireless Enterprise
Use Two Wireless
Network: Hospital Case Study 209
Outdoor Routers to
Introduction 210
Create Redundancy
Applying Wireless in an Enterprise Network 210
Introducing the Enterprise Case Study 211
To Building 100 To Main Hospital11 Mbps link
Building 100 Router
Assessing the Opportunity 211
To Building 101
To Building 101
Evaluating Network Requirements 213
To Building 200
Main Hospital Router
Assessing the Satellite Buildings’Physical
To Building 201
Landscape 214
To Building 300
Evaluating the Outside Physical Landscape 214
To Building 301
Evaluating the Current Network 216
Evaluating the Hospital Conference Room
Networking Landscape 216
Designing a Wireless Solution 217
Project 1:Providing Satellite Building Access 218
Project 2:Providing Wireless Technology
to the Conference Rooms 219
Project 3:Providing Building-to-Building
Connectivity 220
Describing the Detailed Design of the
Building Links 222
Implementing and Testing the Wireless Solution 224
Project 1:Implementing the Satellite
Building LAN Access 224
Project 2:Implementing the Hospital
Conference Room 224
Project 3:Implementing the
Building-to-Building Connectivity 225
Reviewing the Hospital’s Objectives 227
Lessons Learned 228

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xx Contents
Summary 229
Solutions Fast Track 230
Frequently Asked Questions 232
Chapter 7 Designing a Wireless Industrial
Network: Retail Case Study 233
Create an Installation
Introduction 234
Checklist and Verify
the Steps on the List
Applying Wireless Technology in an Industrial
Network 235
Set up the IP
Introducing the Industrial Case Study 235
Assessing the Opportunity 236
Install the access points
Defining the Scope of the Case Study 238
Install the AP Manager
Reviewing the Current Situation 238
Designing and Implementing the Wireless
Test the wireless
Network 239
Creating the High-Level Design 239
Review the client’s
Creating a Detailed Design 240
Obtaining a Physical Map 242
Determining User Density 247
Identifying Constraints 248
Conducting the Walk-Through 249
Identifying RF Interface Sources 249
Plan the RF Pattern for the Network 249
Planning the Equipment Placement 250
Determining Where to Place the Access
Points 251
Determining the RF Channel
Optimization 254
Identifying IP Addresses 255
Implementing the Wireless Network 255
Selecting the Hardware 256
Installing the Wireless Components 258
Setting Up IP Information 258
Installing the Access Points 258
Install the AP Manager Software 260
Installing the PC Card in Shipping/
Receiving 260

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Contents xxi
Testing the Wireless Network 260
Reviewing the Client’s Objectives 261
Lessons Learned 262
Summary 263
Solutions Fast Track 264
Frequently Asked Questions 266
Chapter 8 Designing a Wireless Campus
Network: University Case Study 269
Introduction 270
Applying Wireless Technology in a Campus
Network 270
Introducing the Campus Case Study 271
Establish High-Level
Assessing the Opportunity 271
Defining the Scope of the Case Study 272
Designing the Wireless Campus Network 273
The Design Approach 273
Field House
Liberal Arts
Determining the Functional Design
Requirements 273
Engineering Biological Sciences
Tracking the Administration Needs 274
Tracking the Athletic Needs 275
inistration Building
Student Union
Tracking the Academic Department
Needs 276
Tracking Student Union Needs 277
200 Meters
Tracking Student Needs 277
Constraints and Assumptions 277
Identifying the Assumptions 279
Identifying the Constraints 281
Planning the Equipment Placement:Detailed
Design Requirements 283
Providing Detailed Administration
Requirements 283
Providing Detailed Athletic
Department Requirements 285
Providing Detailed Academic
Department Requirements 288

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xxii Contents
Providing Detailed Student Union
Department Requirements 290
Providing Detailed Student Requirements 291
Implementing the Wireless Campus Network 292
Implementing the Physical Deployment 293
Implementing the Logical Deployment 294
Lessons Learned 295
Summary 296
Solutions Fast Track 297
Frequently Asked Questions 299
Chapter 9 Designing a Wireless Home
Network: Home Office Case Study 301
Learn to Build a
Introduction 302
Wireless Home
Advantages of a Home Network 302
Advantages of a Wireless Home Network 304
Assembling the
Introducing the Wireless Home Network
network components
Case Study 305
Assessing the Opportunity 305
Defining the Scope of the Case Study 306
Designing the Wireless Home Network 306
Installing the hardware
Determining the Functional Requirements 307
Installing and
Determining the Needs of Management 307
configuring the
Determining the Needs of the Family 308
Talking to the IT Department 308
Testing the network
Creating a Site Survey of the Home 309
Assessing the Functional Requirements 310
Analyzing the Existing Environment 310
Identifying Current Technology Options
and Constraints 312
Investigating Costs 313
Weighing Costs and Benefits 313
Assessing the Existing Environment 314
Developing a Preliminary Design 315
Choosing Vendor Solutions 317
Developing a Detailed Design 318
Implementing the Wireless Home Network 319

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Contents xxiii
Assembling the Network Components 319
Determining Broadband Configuration 320
Installing the Hardware 321
Installing and Configuring the Software 322
Installing and Configuring the Software
for the Home Firewall 322
Installing and Configuring the Software
for the Wireless Access Point 324
Testing the Network 326
Designing a Wireless Home Network for Data,
Voice,and Beyond 326
Current State of the Home Wireless
Marketplace 327
A Proposed Solution for the Future 329
Lessons Learned 330
Summary 332
Solutions Fast Track 332
Frequently Asked Questions 335
Designing a Wireless Network Fast Track 337
Index 357
