Nginx High Performance(PACKT,2014)

时间:2018-09-06 12:52:54
文件名称:Nginx High Performance(PACKT,2014)
更新时间:2018-09-06 12:52:54
Nginx High Performance NGINX is one of the most common free, open source web servers. Its performance-oriented architecture and small footprint makes it an ideal choice for high-traffic websites. NGINX offers great performance and optimal resource utilization to its administrators. This practical guide walks you through how to tune one of the leading free open source web servers to attain optimal performance for high-traffic sites. It also explores ways to improve network utilization for high loads. The tour starts with an overview of the NGINX architecture. You will build and configure NGINX for optimal utilization of the hardware available. The book demonstrates various practices to improve last mile content delivery by using timeouts, caching, and compression. You'll also discover various free open source tools to test and benchmark web server performance, allowing you to verify NGINX performance at every step.


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  • 不错的书 谢谢分享
  • 经典数据,清晰文字,阅读性好
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  • 不错的书 谢谢分析
  • good, 文字版的。