A Practical Guide to Designing for the Web.pdf

时间:2022-09-03 07:57:46
文件名称:A Practical Guide to Designing for the Web.pdf
更新时间:2022-09-03 07:57:46
Practical Guide Designing Web Conclusion What does it really feel like to be a designer in this industry today? Well, let me ask you, what was the most rewarding aspect of the last project you finished? My guess is that the answers will be incredibly varied, from solving a particularly difcult interaction design problem, through to some really well constructed CSS. Modern web design is a discipline that spans a huge range of skills. Often though, the wider the span, the thinner the knowledge. That needs to change. Graphic design has such a rich, and useful history. For example, elements of modern typography and typesetting have evolved over hundreds of years. Having at least a basic understanding of this heritage of the craft is going to arm you with some of the right tools to make a diference in your daily work. The craft of graphic design has changed little in the past fifty years. We’re still communicators. We still use colour, image, type, illustrations and layout to tell the story for our clients or customers. Language is still the vehicle for communication on the web. We still use research to inform our decisions. One of the few things that are diferent is the delivery medium: the web. And with that diference comes one fundamental change. We don’t control the content, the users do. The data is theirs to do with as they wish. Graphic designers have long been in control. We take the brief from the client. We control how that message is conveyed. We control the type, the imagery and the production. We spend a long time getting it just right. Then along comes the web and gives all of that control to the user.
