The Essential Guide to HTML5

时间:2014-02-03 03:20:36

文件名称:The Essential Guide to HTML5



更新时间:2014-02-03 03:20:36


Theres been considerable enthusiasm about the new capabilities of HTML5, and even suggestions that no other technologies or products are necessary to produce dynamic, engrossing, interactive web sites. That may be overstating things, but it is true the new features are exciting. It now is possible, using just HTML5, Cascading Style Sheets, and JavaScript, to draw lines, arcs, circles and ovals on the screen and specify events and event handling to produce animation and respond to user actions. You can include video and audio on your web site with standard controls, or place the video or audio in your application exactly when needed. You can create forms that validate the input and provide immediate feedback to users. You can use a facility similar to cookies to store information on the client computer. And you can use new elements, such as header and footer, to help structure your documents. This book is based on my teaching practices and past writings. Delving into the features of a technology or general programming concepts is best done when there is a need. Games, especially familiar and simple ones, supply the need and thus the motivation and much of the explanation. When learning a new programming language, my first step is to program the game of craps. If I can build a ballistics simulation with animation, such as the slingshot game, and make a video or audio clip play when a specific condition occurs, I am happy. If I can construct my own maze of walls, draw a stick figure for hangman, and store information on the player's computer, I am ecstatic. And thats what we do in this book. As you see how to build these simple games, youll build your expertise as well. This goal of this book, developed with considerable help from the friends of ED staff and the technical reviewer, is to prepare you to produce your own web sites, including games and other dynamic applications, with a gentle introduction to the essentials of HTML5 and programming. At the time of writing this book, not all browsers support all the HTML5 features. The applications have been tested using Chrome, FireFox, and Safari.


  • 非常不错,帮助很大,希望以后多多提供类似资源
  • 我个人觉得这并不是一本好书。。。类似于“XXX实战手册”之类的,并不适合系统性的学习,而更加适合蓝翔技校的同学使用。。。
  • 挺不错的,刚好有帮助,找了好久了
  • 非常喜欢这种英文原版书籍
  • 感觉还可以,看了一多半
  • 太好了,刚好学习下,相信以后html5是主流啊
  • canvas基础,很不错的一本书
  • 主要是对 canvas 的应用,很基础,步骤及代码很详实。(我只快速浏览了一章) 全书实现的游戏按章节划分,列出标题如下: 1. Dice Game 2. Bounclng Ball 3. Cannonball and Sllngshot 4. The Memory (aka Concentratlon) Game 5. Qulz 6. Mazes 7. Rock, Paper, Sclssors 8. Hangman 9. Blackjack
  • Html5早点学肯定没有坏处
  • HTML5 未来流流行的趋势,WEBGL 以后网页游戏的新天地。