The Definitive Guide to GCC, Second Edition

时间:2012-12-17 15:45:06
文件名称:The Definitive Guide to GCC, Second Edition
更新时间:2012-12-17 15:45:06
The Definitive Guide to GCC, 用7-zip解压 Author: William von Hagen Publisher: Apress Number of Pages: 584 Published: 2006-08-11 List price: $49.99 ISBN-10: 1590595858 ISBN-13: 9781590595855 书籍介绍(英文) The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) offers a variety of compilers for different programming languages including C, C++, Java, Fortran, and Ada. The Definitive Guide to GCC, Second Edition has been revised to reflect the changes made in the most recent major GCC release, version 4. Providing in-depth information on GCC’s enormous array of features and options, and introducing crucial tools such as autoconf, gprof, and libtool, this book functions as both a guide and reference. This book goes well beyond a general introduction to GCC and covers key programming techniques such as profiling and optimization that, when used in conjunction with GCC’s advanced features, can greatly improve application performance. This second edition will prove to be an invaluable resource, whether you’re a student seeking familiarity with this crucial tool or an expert who uses GCC on a daily basis.


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  • 资料非常清晰,讲解的也比较易懂,非常感谢!
  • 清晰详尽的资料,英文版,阅读起来费点劲,努力学习中,感谢分享
  • 不错,相对于《An Introduction to GCC for the GNU Compilers 》讲解比较深入。