Granular Computing based Machine Learning. A Big Data Processing Approach

时间:2021-08-19 06:28:51

文件名称:Granular Computing based Machine Learning. A Big Data Processing Approach



更新时间:2021-08-19 06:28:51


The ideas introduced in this book explore the relationships among big data, machine learning and granular computing. In many studies, machine learning has been considered as a powerful tool of big data processing. The relationship between big data and machine learning is very similar to the relationship between resources and human learning. In this context, people can learn from resources to deal with new matters. Similarly, machines can learn from big data to resolve new problems. However, due to the vast and rapid increase in the size of data, learning tasks have become increasingly more complex. In this context, traditional machine learning has been too shallow to deal with big data sufficiently, so granular computing concepts are used in this book to advance machine learning towards the shift from shallow learning to deep learning (in its broader sense). The focus of this book is on the development and evaluation of granular computing based machine learning approaches in terms of classification accuracy. In this context, the authors consider traditional machine learning to be of single-granularity and the proposal of granular computing based machine learning is aimed at turning single-granularity learning into multi-granularity learning. In particular, the authors proposed the following transformations: (a) supervised learning to semi-supervised learning, (b) heuristic learning to semi-heuristic learning, (c) single-task learning to multi-task learning, (d) discriminative learning to generative learning and (e) random data partitioning to semi-random data partitioning. In addition, the authors also explore how to achieve in-depth evaluation of attribute-value pairs towards induction of high-quality rules, in the setting of multi-granularity learning.
