时间:2019-06-22 10:15:12
更新时间:2019-06-22 10:15:12
BigData Complex Systems This volume provides challenges and Opportunities with updated, in-depth material on the application of Big data to complex systems in order to find solutions for the challenges and problems facing big data sets applications. Much data today is not natively in structured format; for example, tweets and blogs are weakly structured pieces of text, while images and video are structured for storage and display, but not for semantic content and search. Therefore transforming such content into a structured format for later analysis is a major challenge. Data analysis, organization, retrieval, and modeling are other foundational challenges treated in this book. The material of this book will be useful for researchers and practitioners in the field of big data as well as advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Each of the 17 chapters in the book opens with a chapter abstract and key terms list. The chapters are organized along the lines of problem description, related works, and analysis of the results and comparisons are provided whenever feasible. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Cloud Computing Infrastructure for Massive Data: A Gigantic Task Ahead Chapter 2. Big Data Movement: A Challengein Data Processing Chapter 3. Towards Robust Performance Guarantees forModels Learned from High-Dimensional Data Chapter 4. Stream Clustering Algorithms:A Primer Chapter 5. Cross Language Duplicate Record Detectionin Big Data Chapter 6. A Novel Hybridized Rough Set and ImprovedHarmony Search Based Feature Selection forProtein Sequence Classification Chapter 7. Autonomic Discovery of News Evolvementin Twitter Chapter 8. Hybrid Tolerance Rough Set Based IntelligentApproaches for Social Tagging Systems Chapter 9. Exploitation of Healthcare Databasesin Anesthesiology and Surgical Carefor Comparing Comorbidity Indexesin Cholecystectomized Patients Chapter 10. Sickness Absence and Record LinkageUsing Primary Healthcare, Hospitaland Occupational Databases Chapter 11. Classification of ECG Cardiac ArrhythmiasUsing Bijective Soft Set Chapter 12. Semantic Geographic Space: From Big Datato Ecosystems of Data Chapter 13. Big DNA Methylation Data Analysisand Visualizing in a Common Formof Breast Cancer Chapter 14. Data Quality, Analytics, and Privacy in Big Data Chapter 15. Search, Analysis and VisualComparison of Massive and Heterogeneous Data Application in the Medical Field Chapter 16. Modified Soft Rough Set Based ECG SignalClassification for Cardiac Arrhythmias Chapter 17. Towards a New Architecture for the Descriptionand Manipulation of Large Distributed Data
