Microwave and RF Design.pdf

时间:2015-04-01 09:24:14

文件名称:Microwave and RF Design.pdf



更新时间:2015-04-01 09:24:14

Microwave and RF

Microwave and RF Design: A Systems Approach is a comprehensive introduction to Radio Frequency (RF) and microwave design with a modern ”systems-first” approach. The book has been developed over 10 years of teaching the class to ever-increasing numbers of Master’s-level students that is now averaging 90 per class. A strong emphasis on design permeates the book with extensive practical design examples focused on the main technologies encountered in RF engineering today. Design is oriented toward microstrip and planar circuit design so that lessons learned can be applied to real-world design tasks.


  • 价格略高,正在观看
  • 价格过高,不太值得.
  • 这本书需要用心去看,才能真正掌握
  • 正在学习当中
  • Michael Steer从系统级的层面讲述了射频的设计知识。建立了详细的模型。结合razavi的书一起看会有更好的效果。
  • Thanks, it really helps. Really thank you for that.
  • 不是最新版,有的仿真指导没有
  • 这本书需要用心去看,把里面的知识和实际应用结合,才能真正掌握。射频技术的应用将会越来越多,读千万本书,不如读精一本书。
  • This is a rather new textbook in 2011. the author (Steer) edited this book based on his teaching experience in North Carolina Univ. However, it's better for the readers to have some background in related field before reading this textbook. There is little explanation about the equations in some chap