更新时间:2013-01-11 10:41:28
opencv sift 特征提取 匹配算法 代码
基于OPENCV的SIFT特征提取与匹配算法。包含完整的从图像高斯金字塔、DOG、空间极值点提取、关键点描述、KDtree匹配等关键步骤的全部函数实现,对全面深入理解Lowe的SIFT算法有莫大帮助。 程序运行前须安装 (1)OpenCV: http://opencvlibrary.sourceforge.net (2)SIFT: http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~hess/index.html,并配置其环境参数。-OPENCV the SIFT-based feature extraction and matching algorithm. Contains a complete Gaussian pyramid from the image, DOG, space extremum point extraction, description of key points, KDtree matching key step in the realization of the full function of the comprehensive and in-depth understanding of Lowe s SIFT algorithm of tremendous help. Program to run before the installation of (1) OpenCV: http://opencvlibrary.sourceforge.net (2) SIFT: http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/ ~ hess / index.html, and configure the parameters of their environment.