时间:2018-01-27 08:09:12




更新时间:2018-01-27 08:09:12


The Meeting Room Booking System is open source software that is distributed under the Gnu Public License(GPL). This means that software is free to use, distribute, and modify. The system is written mostly in PHP, which is an open source programming language that can be embedded in web pages similar in concept to Microsoft active server pages. PHP is especially good at accessing databases. The database used for the system is either MySQL or PostgreSQL. MySQL is a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user and robust SQL (Structured Query Language) database server that is also GPL. PostgreSQL is a full-featured multi-user open source Object Relational SQL database server. The system will run on multiple platforms, including the PC architecture using the Linux operating system. Linux, is a free, open source, unix-like operating system. The web server being used is yet another piece of free, open source software. The Apache web server is the world's most popular web server.
