Glass Fish帮助手册

时间:2011-04-11 08:05:30
文件名称:Glass Fish帮助手册
更新时间:2011-04-11 08:05:30
glassfish 命令 帮助文档 手册 GlassFish Server 9.1 帮助手册,包括了bin目录下所有命令的详细用法,是管理、配置glassfish的必备工具!!!!

例如asadmin start-domain 命令:
Name: start-domain – starts a domain
Synopsis: start-domain [--domaindir domain-dir]
--user admin_user --passwordfile file_name
[--terse={true|false}] [ --echo ={true|false}]
[ --interactive ={true|false}] [ --verbose ={true|false}]
[ --debug ={true|false}] [domain_name]
Description: Use the start-domain command to start a domain. If the domain directory is not specified,
the domain in the default install_dir/domains directory is started. If there are two or more
domains, the domain_name operand must be specified.
You can use the start-domain command to upgrade domains of Application Server 8.x or 9.0
to Application Server 9.1. Use one of the following ways to upgrade your domain:
The directory where the domain is to be started. If specified, the path must be accessible in
the filesystem. If not specified, the domain in the default install_dir/domains directory is
-u --user
The authorized domain application server administrative username.
The file containing the domain application server password associated with the
administrative instance. The password is defined in the following form:
AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password. Where password is the actual administrator password for
the domain.
Indicates that any output data must be very concise, typically avoiding human-friendly
sentences and favoring well-formatted data for consumption by a script.Default is false.
Sun Java System Application 658 Server 9.1 ReferenceManual ? Last Revised 11 Jul 2007
-e --echo
Setting to true will echo the command line statement on to the standard output.Default is
-I --interactive
If set to true (default), only the required password options are prompted.
By default this flag is set to false. If set to true, detailed server startup output is displayed.
On Windows, press CTRL-Break in the domain's window to print a thread dump. On
UNIX, press CTRL-C to kill the server and press CTRL-\\ to print a thread dump.



  • 很适合初学者
  • 感觉还可以,从基础讲起