a study on a path-based strategy for selecting black-box generated test cases

时间:2013-10-05 10:22:43
文件名称:a study on a path-based strategy for selecting black-box generated test cases
更新时间:2013-10-05 10:22:43
black-box Various black-box methods for the generation of test cases have been proposed in the literature. Many of these methods, including the category-partition method and the classi cation-tree method, follow the approach of partition testing, in which the input domain is partitioned into subdomains according to important aspects of the speci cation, and test cases are then derived from the subdomains. Though comprehensive in terms of these important aspects, execution of all the test cases so generated may not be feasible under the constraint of tight testing resources. In such circumstances, there is a need to select a smaller subset of test cases from the original test suite for execution. In this paper, we propose the use of white-box information to guide the selection of test cases from the original test suite generated by a black-box testing method. Furthermore, we have developed some techniques and algorithms to facilitate the implementation of our approach, and demonstrated its viability and bene ts by means of a case study.
