文件名称:2014最新QQWry.Dat 下载
更新时间:2017-11-09 09:48:06
QQWry.Dat ip
QQWry.Dat 是免费的 IP 库 相对于webservices,在本地用ip库根据ip判断地区是最快的。
* CLR 版本: 4.0.30319.235
* 命名空间: Car.Plugins
* 文 件 名: QQWry
* 创建时间: 2011/11/4 14:58:34
* 版权所有: 王彦杰
* 电子邮件: 0106248486@163.com
* 个人签名: 欲求仙道,先修人道。苍天弃吾,吾宁成魔。
#region using
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Car.Plugin
public class QQWry
public class IpLocation
private string _ip;
private string _country;
private string _local;
public string IP
get { return _ip; }
set { _ip = value; }
public string Country
get { return _country; }
set { _country = value; }
public string Local
get { return _local; }
set { _local = value; }
public class QQWryLocator
private byte[] data;
private Regex regex =
new Regex(@"(((\d{1,2})|(1\d{2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(25[0-5]))\.){3}((\d{1,2})|(1\d{2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(25[0-5]))");
private long firstStartIpOffset;
private long lastStartIpOffset;
private long ipCount;
public long Count
get { return ipCount; }
public QQWryLocator(string dataPath)
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(dataPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
data = new byte[fs.Length];
fs.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
byte[] buffer = new byte[8];
Array.Copy(data, 0, buffer, 0, 8);
firstStartIpOffset = ((buffer[0] + (buffer[1]*0x100)) + ((buffer[2]*0x100)*0x100)) +
lastStartIpOffset = ((buffer[4] + (buffer[5]*0x100)) + ((buffer[6]*0x100)*0x100)) +
ipCount = Convert.ToInt64((double) (((double) (lastStartIpOffset - firstStartIpOffset))/7.0));
if (ipCount <= 1L)
throw new ArgumentException("ip FileDataError");
private static long IpToInt(string ip)
char[] separator = new char[] {'.'};
if (ip.Split(separator).Length == 3)
ip = ip + ".0";
string[] strArray = ip.Split(separator);
long num2 = ((long.Parse(strArray[0])*0x100L)*0x100L)*0x100L;
long num3 = (long.Parse(strArray[1])*0x100L)*0x100L;
long num4 = long.Parse(strArray[2])*0x100L;
long num5 = long.Parse(strArray[3]);
return (((num2 + num3) + num4) + num5);
private static string IntToIP(long ip_Int)
long num = (long) ((ip_Int & 0xff000000L) >> 0x18);
if (num < 0L)
num += 0x100L;
long num2 = (ip_Int & 0xff0000L) >> 0x10;
if (num2 < 0L)
num2 += 0x100L;
long num3 = (ip_Int & 0xff00L) >> 8;
if (num3 < 0L)
num3 += 0x100L;
long num4 = ip_Int & 0xffL;
if (num4 < 0L)
num4 += 0x100L;
return (num.ToString() + "." + num2.ToString() + "." + num3.ToString() + "." + num4.ToString());
public IpLocation Query(string ip)
IpLocation ipLocation = new IpLocation();
ipLocation.IP = "未知";
ipLocation.Local = "未知";
return ipLocation;
if (!regex.Match(ip).Success)
ipLocation.IP = "未知";
ipLocation.Local = "未知";
return ipLocation;
ipLocation.IP = ip;
long intIP = IpToInt(ip);
if ((intIP >= IpToInt("") && (intIP <= IpToInt(""))))
ipLocation.Country = "本机内部环回地址";
ipLocation.Local = "";
if ((((intIP >= IpToInt("")) && (intIP <= IpToInt(""))) ||
((intIP >= IpToInt("")) && (intIP <= IpToInt("")))) ||
((intIP >= IpToInt("")) && (intIP <= IpToInt(""))))
ipLocation.Country = "网络保留地址";
ipLocation.Local = "";
long right = ipCount;
long left = 0L;
long middle = 0L;
long startIp = 0L;
long endIpOff = 0L;
long endIp = 0L;
int countryFlag = 0;
while (left < (right - 1L))
middle = (right + left)/2L;
startIp = GetStartIp(middle, out endIpOff);
if (intIP == startIp)
left = middle;
if (intIP > startIp)
left = middle;
right = middle;
startIp = GetStartIp(left, out endIpOff);
endIp = GetEndIp(endIpOff, out countryFlag);
if ((startIp <= intIP) && (endIp >= intIP))
string local;
ipLocation.Country = GetCountry(endIpOff, countryFlag, out local);
ipLocation.Local = local;
ipLocation.Country = "未知";
ipLocation.Local = "";
return ipLocation;
private long GetStartIp(long left, out long endIpOff)
long leftOffset = firstStartIpOffset + (left*7L);
byte[] buffer = new byte[7];
Array.Copy(data, leftOffset, buffer, 0, 7);
endIpOff = (Convert.ToInt64(buffer[4].ToString()) + (Convert.ToInt64(buffer[5].ToString())*0x100L)) +
return ((Convert.ToInt64(buffer[0].ToString()) + (Convert.ToInt64(buffer[1].ToString())*0x100L)) +
((Convert.ToInt64(buffer[2].ToString())*0x100L)*0x100L)) +
private long GetEndIp(long endIpOff, out int countryFlag)
byte[] buffer = new byte[5];
Array.Copy(data, endIpOff, buffer, 0, 5);
countryFlag = buffer[4];
return ((Convert.ToInt64(buffer[0].ToString()) + (Convert.ToInt64(buffer[1].ToString())*0x100L)) +
((Convert.ToInt64(buffer[2].ToString())*0x100L)*0x100L)) +
/// Gets the country.
/// The end ip off.
/// The country flag.
/// The local.
/// country
private string GetCountry(long endIpOff, int countryFlag, out string local)
string country = "";
long offset = endIpOff + 4L;
switch (countryFlag)
case 1:
case 2:
country = GetFlagStr(ref offset, ref countryFlag, ref endIpOff);
offset = endIpOff + 8L;
local = (1 == countryFlag) ? "" : GetFlagStr(ref offset, ref countryFlag, ref endIpOff);
country = GetFlagStr(ref offset, ref countryFlag, ref endIpOff);
local = GetFlagStr(ref offset, ref countryFlag, ref endIpOff);
return country;
private string GetFlagStr(ref long offset, ref int countryFlag, ref long endIpOff)
int flag = 0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[3];
while (true)
long forwardOffset = offset;
flag = data[forwardOffset++];
if (flag != 1 && flag != 2)
Array.Copy(data, forwardOffset, buffer, 0, 3);
forwardOffset += 3;
if (flag == 2)
countryFlag = 2;
endIpOff = offset - 4L;
offset = (Convert.ToInt64(buffer[0].ToString()) + (Convert.ToInt64(buffer[1].ToString())*0x100L)) +
if (offset < 12L)
return "";
return GetStr(ref offset);
private string GetStr(ref long offset)
byte lowByte = 0;
byte highByte = 0;
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
byte[] bytes = new byte[2];
Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312");
while (true)
lowByte = data[offset++];
if (lowByte == 0)
return stringBuilder.ToString();
if (lowByte > 0x7f)
highByte = data[offset++];
bytes[0] = lowByte;
bytes[1] = highByte;
if (highByte == 0)
return stringBuilder.ToString();
stringBuilder.Append((char) lowByte);