
时间:2021-04-25 19:38:06
更新时间:2021-04-25 19:38:06
SQL 基础 数学表达式 * 符号 + - * / 描述 加 减 乘 除 可以用下述的数学符号,将日期或者数字数据组合起来形成数学表达式 * Arithmetic Expressions You may need to modify the way in which data is displayed, perform calculations, or look at what-if scenarios. This is possible using arithmetic expressions. An arithmetic expression may contain column names, constant numeric values, and the arithmetic operators. Arithmetic Operators The slide lists the arithmetic operators available in SQL. You can use arithmetic operators in any clause of a SQL statement except the FROM clause. Instructor Note You can use only the addition and subtraction operators with DATE datatypes.
