Writing testbenches using SystemVerilog pdf

时间:2013-01-26 19:13:36
文件名称:Writing testbenches using SystemVerilog pdf
更新时间:2013-01-26 19:13:36
Writing testbenches using SystemVerilog pdf This book has one large omission: assertions and formal verification. It is not that they are not important. SystemVerilog includes constructs and semantics for writing assertions and coverage properties using temporal expressions. Formal verification is already an effective methodology for verifying certain classes of designs. It is simply a matter of drawing a line somewhere. There are already books on assertions1 or formal verification. This book focuses on the bread-and-butter of verification for the foreseeable future: dynamic functional verification using testbenches 以下的资源也很不错, 加减可以看一下o 使用C++制作3D动画人物-100%提供源码 http://download.csdn.net/source/2255453 http://hqioan.download.csdn.net/
Writing testbenches using SystemVerilog.pdf


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