智能自动寻迹小车 51单片机控制

时间:2012-09-16 08:43:06
文件名称:智能自动寻迹小车 51单片机控制
更新时间:2012-09-16 08:43:06
自动寻迹小车 摘要:本寻迹小车是以有机玻璃为车架,ATmage32L单片机为控制核心,加以直流电机、光电传感器和电源电路以及其他电路构成。系统由mage32通过IO口控制小车的前进后退以及转向。寻迹由RPR220型光电对管完成。 关键词:ATmage32L 直流电机 光电传感器 自动寻迹电动车 Abstract: The smart car is aluminum alloy for the chassis, ATmaga32L MCU as its core, including motor and servo, plus photoelectric sensors, as well as other flame sensor and power circuit. MCU controls the car turning back forward or running on the white line. RPR220 reflective photo sensor seeks the trace. Far infrared flame sensor tracks the flame. In addition, the SCM system with Sunplus for voice broadcast can remind current status. The system transmits information through DF module. The car’s status will be transmitted to the Remote Console. OCMJ4X8C LCD display and 2 keys for start control. Keywords: ATmaga32L Motor Servo Photo sensor Electrical fire engines
