Radio-Frequency Electronics- Circuits and Applications-2009

时间:2013-06-03 14:42:26
文件名称:Radio-Frequency Electronics- Circuits and Applications-2009
更新时间:2013-06-03 14:42:26
Radio Frequency Electronics Circuits Contents Preface page xiii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 RF circuits 2 1.2 Narrowband nature of RF signals 3 1.3 AC circuit analysis – a brief review 3 1.4 Impedance and admittance 4 1.5 Series resonance 4 1.6 Parallel resonance 5 1.7 Nonlinear circuits 5 Problems 5 2 Impedance matching 10 2.1 Transformer matching 11 2.2 L-networks 12 2.3 Higher Q – pi and T-networks 14 2.4 Lower Q – the double L-network 15 2.5 Equivalent series and parallel circuits 16 2.6 Lossy components and efficiency of matching networks 16 Problems 17 3 Linear power amplifiers 19 3.1 Single-loop amplifier 19 3.2 Drive circuitry: common-collector, common-emitter, and common-base 20 3.3 Shunt amplifier topology 22 3.4 Dual-polarity amplifiers 22 3.5 Push–pull amplifiers 23 3.6 Efficiency calculations 25 3.7 AC amplifiers 26 3.8 RF amplifiers 29 3.9 Matching a power amplifier to its load 31 Problems 31 4 Basic filters 34 4.1 Prototype lowpass filter designs 35 4.2 A lowpass filter example 36 4.3 Lowpass-to-bandpass conversion 38 Appendix 4.1 Component values for normalized lowpass filters 41 Problems 43 References 45 5 Frequency converters 46 5.1 Voltage multiplier as a mixer 46 5.2 Switching mixers 48 5.3 A simple nonlinear device as a mixer 51 Problems 53 6 Amplitude and frequency modulation 54 6.1 Amplitude modulation 55 6.2 Frequency and phase modulation 58 6.3 AM transmitters 62 6.4 FM transmitters 65 6.5 Current broadcasting practice 65 Problems 66 7 Radio receivers 67 7.1 Amplification 67 7.2 Crystal sets 68 7.3 TRF receivers 68 7.4 The superheterodyne receiver 69 7.5 Noise blankers 74 7.6 Digital signal processing in receivers 75 Problems 75 References 76 8 Suppressed-carrier AM and quadrature AM (QAM) 77 8.1 Double-sideband suppressed-carrier AM 77 8.2 Single-sideband AM 78 8.3 Product detector 80 8.4 Generation of SSB 81 8.5 Single-sideband with class C, D, or E amplifiers 83 8.6 Quadrature AM (QAM) 84 Problems 85 References 86 9 Class-C, D, and E Power RF amplifiers 87 9.1 The class-C amplifier 87 9.2 The class-D RF amplifier 92 9.3 The class-E amplifier 94 9.4 Which circuit to use: class-C, class-D, or class-E? 99 Problems 100 References 100 10 Transmission lines 101 10.1 Characteristic impedance 101 10.2 Waves and reflected waves on transmission lines 103 10.3 Modification of an impedance by a transmission line 106 10.4 Transmission line attenuation 107 10.5 Impedance specified by reflection coefficient 107 10.6 Transmission lines used to match impedances 111 Appendix 10.1. Coaxial cable – Electromagnetic analysis 114 Problems 116 11 Oscillators 120 11.1 Negative feedback (relaxation) oscillators 120 11.2 Positive feedback oscillators 121 11.3 Oscillator dynamics 128 11.4 Frequency stability 128 11.5 Colpitts oscillator theory 129 Problems 132 12 Phase lock loops and synthesizers 134 12.1 Phase locking 134 12.2 Frequency synthesizers 144 Problems 150 References 151 13 Coupled-resonator bandpass filters 152 13.1 Impedance inverters 152 13.2 Conversion of series resonators to parallel resonators and vice versa 155 13.3 Worked example: a 1% fractional bandwidth filter 156 13.4 Tubular bandpass filters 158 13.5 Effects of finite Q 160 13.6 Tuning procedures 161 13.7 Other filter types 161 Problems 162 References 163 14 Transformers and baluns 164 14.1 The “ideal transformer” 165 14.2 Transformer equivalent circuit 166 14.3 Power transformer operation 168 14.4 Mechanical analogue of a perfectly coupled transformer 169 14.5 Magnetizing inductance used in a transformer-coupled amplifier 170 14.6 Double-tuned transformer: making use of magnetization and leakage inductances 170 14.7 Loss in transformers 172 14.8 Design of iron-core transformers 172 14.9 Transmission line transformers 175 14.10 Baluns 176 Problems 178 References 180 15 Hybrid couplers 181 15.1 Directional coupling 182 15.2 Transformer hybrid 182 15.3 Quadrature hybrids 185 15.4 How to analyze circuits containing hybrids 186 15.5 Power combining and splitting 187 15.6 Other hybrids 189 Problems 192 Reference 194 16 Waveguide circuits 195 16.1 Simple picture of waveguide propagation 195 16.2 Exact solution: a plane wave interference pattern matches the waveguide boundary conditions 196 16.3 Waveguide vs. coax for low-loss power transmission 201 16.4 Waveguide impedance 201 16.5 Matching in waveguide circuits 202 16.6 Three-port waveguide junctions 202 16.7 Four-port waveguide junctions 203 Appendix 16.1 Lowest loss waveguide vs. lowest loss coaxial line 204 Appendix 16.2 Coax dimensions for lowest loss, highest power, and highest voltage 206 Problems 207 References 207 17 Small-signal RF amplifiers 208 17.1 Linear two-port networks 208 17.2 Amplifier specifications – gain, bandwidth, and impedances 210 17.3 Narrowband amplifier circuits 213 17.4 Wideband amplifier circuits 214 17.5 Transistor equivalent circuits 214 17.6 Amplifier design examples 215 17.7 Amplifier noise 219 17.8 Noise figure 220 17.9 Other noise parameters 222 17.10 Noise figure measurement 223 Problems 223 References 226 18 Demodulators and detectors 227 18.1 AM Detectors 227 18.2 FM demodulators 233 18.3 Power detectors 238 Problems 240 References 241 19 Television systems 242 19.1 The Nipkov system 242 19.2 The NTSC system 243 19.3 Digital television 251 Problems 257 References 258 20 Antennas and radio wave propagation 259 20.1 Electromagnetic waves 259 20.2 Radiation from a current element 261 20.3 Dipole antenna 262 20.4 Antenna directivity and gain 264 20.5 Effective capture area of an antenna 266 20.6 Reflector and horn antennas 267 20.7 Polarization 271 20.8 A spacecraft radio link 272 20.9 Terrestrial radio links 273 20.10 The ionosphere 273 20.11 Other modes of propagation 275 Problems 276 References 277 21 Radar 278 21.1 Some representative radar systems 278 21.2 Radar classification 281 21.3 Target characteristics and echo strengths 283 21.4 Pulse compression 285 21.5 Synthetic aperture radar 286 21.6 TR switches 288 21.7 Diode switches 291 21.8 Radar pulse modulators 293 Problems 297 References 298 22 Digital modulation techniques 300 22.1 Digital modulators 300 22.2 Pulse shaping 303 22.3 Root raised-cosine filter 307 22.4 8-VSB and GMSK modulation 308 22.5 Demodulation 309 22.6 Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing – OFDM 310 22.7 Spread-spectrum and CDMA 315 Problems 318 Glossary 318 References 320 23 Modulation, noise, and information 321 23.1 Matched filtering 321 23.2 Analysis of a BPSK link 323 23.3 On–off keying with envelope detection 325 Problems 335 References 335 24 Amplifier and oscillator noise analysis 336 24.1 Amplifier noise analysis 336 24.2 Oscillator noise 342 24.3 Effect of nonlinearity 346 Problems 346 References 348 25 The GPS Navigation system 349 25.1 System description 349 25.2 GPS broadcast format and time encoding 350 25.3 GPS satellite transmitter 352 25.4 Signal tracking 353 25.5 Acquisition 356 25.6 Ionospheric delay 359 25.7 Differential GPS 360 25.8 Augmented GPS 361 25.9 Improvements to GPS 361 25.10 Other satellite navigation systems 362 Problems 362 References 363 26 Radio and radar astronomy 364 26.1 Radiometry 365 26.2 Spectrometry 366 26.3 Interferometry 366 26.4 Radar astronomy 368 Problems 374 References 374 27 Radio spectrometry 375 27.1 Filters and filterbanks 376 27.2 Autocorrelation spectrometry 376 27.3 Fourier transform spectrometry 381 27.4 I and Q mixing 384 27.5 Acousto-optical spectrometry 385 27.6 Chirp-z spectrometry 386 Problems 388 References 389 28 S-parameter circuit analysis 390 28.1 S-parameter definitions 390 28.2 Circuit analysis using S parameters 394 28.3 Stability of an active two-port (amplifier) 397 28.4 Cascaded two-ports 399 28.5 Reciprocity 400 28.6 Lossless networks 400 Problems 404 References 405 29 Power supplies 406 29.1 Full-wave rectifier 406 29.2 Half-wave rectifier 408 29.3 Electronically regulated power supplies 409 29.4 Three-phase rectifiers 410 29.5 Switching converters 411 Problems 419 References 421 30 RF test equipment 422 30.1 Power measurements 422 30.2 Voltage measurements 423 30.3 Spectrum analysis 424 30.4 Impedance measurements 425 30.5 Noise figure meter 432 Problems 432 References 433 Index 434


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