SOA with REST-Prentice Hall(2012).pdf

时间:2021-04-28 08:46:22
文件名称:SOA with REST-Prentice Hall(2012).pdf
更新时间:2021-04-28 08:46:22
REST SOA When I rst heard about REST in early 2002, I was a strong believer in the value of the emerging Web services speci cations and standards. I was initially intrigued by the approach, particularly the “uniform interface” idea, but quickly concluded that while REST might be interesting, it was most certainly not applicable in enterprise use cases. A year or two later, I had started to appreciate the elegance and simplicity of the REST style, and became convinced that in some cases, it was a better choice, while more advanced use cases still required SOAP and WSDL and WS-*. Another year later, I found myself recommending RESTful HTTP over SOAP-style Web services in most situations, and decided that I could call myself a “RESTafarian” by conviction. I had become convinced—and still am—that adhering to the constraints of the REST archi- tectural style not only leads to better systems on the public Web, but also within all kinds of enterprise-internal scenarios. Today, REST has become mainstream—with all the positive and negative effects this has for any technology. It is now relatively easy to introduce a RESTful approach, even in large enterprises, without raising too many eyebrows. I am still surprised how often it is even viewed as the obvious default choice. So maybe the REST community should be happy and satis ed, and look forward to all the excellent system development and integration work we will do, both on the public Web and within companies. But there are two problems with this: Not everything that claims to be RESTful actually is so, and often SOA is perceived as the architecture of WS-* style Web services and therefore seen as incompatible with REST.
