更新时间:2024-05-13 05:52:01
反向闭环功率控制 CDMA 核心技术 BTS 功率控制比特 Eb/Nt 值 FER 值 内环功率控制 外环功率控制 Eb/Nt 改变量 BSC BTS Inner loop power control The base station compares the measured Eb/Nt with the corresponding objective and the mobile station will be ordered to decrease the transmission power if the measured Eb/Nt exceeds the objective. Otherwise, the mobile station will be ordered to increase the transmission power. The adjustment frequency is 800HZ. Outer loop power control Estimate Eb/Nt objective based on the measured Frame Error Rate(FER) Eb/Nt=bit energy/density of interference power spectrum, similar to signal-to-noise ratio.