文件名称:Geoffrey Hinton的coursera神经网络公开课3~4章(内嵌字幕)
更新时间:2019-09-01 03:42:42
Geoffrey Hinton的coursera神经网络公开课3-4章(内嵌字幕)
4 - 5 - Ways to deal with the large number of possible outputs [15 min].avi
3 - 3 - Learning the weights of a logistic output neuron [4 min].avi
3 - 4 - The backpropagation algorithm [12 min].avi
4 - 4 - Neuro-probabilistic language models [8 min].avi
4 - 1 - Learning to predict the next word [13 min].avi
4 - 3 - Another diversion- The softmax output function [7 min].avi
3 - 2 - The error surface for a linear neuron [5 min].avi
3 - 1 - Learning the weights of a linear neuron [12 min].avi
3 - 5 - Using the derivatives computed by backpropagation [10 min].avi
4 - 2 - A brief diversion into cognitive science [4 min].avi