Beginning Kinect Programming with the Microsoft Kinect SDK

时间:2015-06-06 05:47:28
文件名称:Beginning Kinect Programming with the Microsoft Kinect SDK
更新时间:2015-06-06 05:47:28
epub apress kinect Apress, 2012 Beginning Kinect Programming with the Microsoft Kinect SDK gets you up and running developing Kinect applications for your PC using Microsoft tools and the official SDK. You will have a working Kinect program by the end of the first chapter! The following chapters will open up the secrets of three-dimensional vision, skeleton tracking, audio through the Kinect, and more. Examples illustrate the concepts in the form of simple games that react to your body movements. The result is a fun read that helps you learn one of the hottest technologies out there today. Beginning Kinect Programming with the Microsoft Kinect SDK also provides building blocks and ideas for mashing up the Kinect with other technologies to create art, interactive games, 3D models and enhanced office automation. You'll learn the fundamental code basic to almost all Kinect applications. You'll learn to integrate that code with other tools and manipulate data to create amazing Kinect applications. Beginning Kinect Programming with the Microsoft Kinect SDK is your gateway into the exciting world of three-dimensional, real-time computer interaction. Helps you create a proper development environment for Kinect applications. Covers the basics of three-dimensional vision, skeleton tracking, gesture recognition, and audio Provides fun examples that keep you engaged and learning amazon link:


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