更新时间:2014-06-21 06:08:18
有拼图游戏,几个可选 有人工智能论文 bestMove(int p, int*v) { int i; int lastTie; int lastMove; int subV; /*First, check for a tie*/ if (isTie()) { *v=0; return(0); }; /*If not a tie, try each potential move*/ for (*v=-1, lastTie=lastMove=-1,i=0;i<9;i++) { /*If this isn't a possible, skip it*/ if (board[i]!=0) continue; /* Make the move. */ lastMove=i; board[i]=p; /* Did it win? */ if (hasWon(p)) *v=1; else{ /*If not, find out how good the other side can do*/ bestMove(-p,&subV); /* If they can only lose, this is still a win.*/ if (subV==-1) *v=1; /* Or, if it's a tie, remember it. */ else if (subV==0){ *v=0; lastTie=i; }; }; /* Take back the move. */ board[i]=0; /*If we found a win, return immediately (can't do any better than that)*/ if (*v==1) return(i); /*If we didn't find any wins, return a tie move.*/ if (*v==0) return(lastTie); /*If there weren't even any ties, return a loosing move.*/ else return(lastMove); };