更新时间:2015-03-10 05:01:01
桥牌 游戏 源码
XH桥牌游戏源码 源码描述 用c#编写的一款类似桥牌游戏 每轮出牌是要出同一花色,然后比点, 谁大谁得分并且下轮先出牌。 Basic Bridge Game Bidding start from 1 through 7, for example: 1 Spades means using spades as a trump card, and need to win at least 7 out of the 13 cards. 2 Spades means using spades as a trump card, and need to win at least 8 out of the 13 cards. Notrump means no suit was used as a trump card. Every one has to play the suit of the lead card. 项目开源。