Modeling and Control of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems

时间:2021-10-03 04:12:33
文件名称:Modeling and Control of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
更新时间:2021-10-03 04:12:33
DEDS Francesco Ma System and control theory deals with the problem of modeling and controlling systems. Natural systems, such as, for example, mechanical or thermodynamical systems, are characterized by continuous variables: the state of such a kind of systems is a vector whose entries are real numbers. Their evolution is described by means of dierential equations and is time-driven, that is, the current value of the state directly depends on the time, which can be thought of as an independent variable. Once the equations of a model for this kind of systems have been derived, it is possible in many cases, based on these equations, to nd an analytical expression for a control law aimed at obtaining some desired results
