
时间:2015-05-26 14:45:08
更新时间:2015-05-26 14:45:08
多旅行商matlab实验源码实现了三种多旅行商问题 多旅行商matlab实验源码实现了三种多旅行商问题 % MTSPOF_GA Fixed Open Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem (M-TSP) Genetic Algorithm (GA) % Finds a (near) optimal solution to a variation of the "open" M-TSP by % setting up a GA to search for the shortest route (least distance needed % for each salesman to travel from the start location to unique % individual cities and finally to the end location) % % Summary: % 1. Each salesman starts at the first point, and ends at the last % point, but travels to a unique set of cities in between (none of % them close their loops by returning to their starting points) % 2. Except for the first and last, each city is visited by exactly one salesman % % Note: The Fixed Start is taken to be the first XY point and the Fixed End % is taken to be the last XY point % % Input: % XY (float) is an Nx2 matrix of city locations, where N is the number of cities % DMAT (float) is an NxN matrix of city-to-city distances or costs % SALESMEN (scalar integer) is the number of salesmen to visit the cities % MIN_TOUR (scalar integer) is the minimum tour length for any of the % salesmen, NOT including the start point or end point % POP_SIZE (scalar integer) is the size of the population (should be divisible by 8) % NUM_ITER (scalar integer) is the number of desired iterations for the algorithm to run % SHOW_PROG (scalar logical) shows the GA progress if true % SHOW_RES (scalar logical) shows the GA results if true % % Output: % OPT_RTE (integer array) is the best route found by the algorithm % OPT_BRK (integer array) is the list of route break points (these specify the indices % into the route used to obtain the individual salesman routes) % MIN_DIST (scalar float) is the total distance traveled by the salesmen % % Route/Breakpoint Details: % If there are 10 cities and 3 salesmen, a possible route/break % combination might be: rte = [5 6 9 4 2 8 3 7], brks = [3 7] % Taken together, these represent the solution [1 5 6 9 10][1 4 2 8 10][1 3 7 10], % which designates the routes for the 3 salesmen as follows: % . Salesman 1 travels from city 1 to 5 to 6 to 9 to 10 % . Salesman 2 travels from city 1 to 4 to 2 to 8 to 10 % . Salesman 3 travels from city 1 to 3 to 7 to 10 % % 2D Example: % n = 35; % xy = 10*rand(n,2); % salesmen = 5; % min_tour = 3; % pop_size = 80; % num_iter = 5e3; % a = meshgrid(1:n); % dmat = reshape(sqrt(sum((xy(a,:)-xy(a',:)).^2,2)),n,n); % [opt_rte,opt_brk,min_dist] = mtspof_ga(xy,dmat,salesmen,min_tour, ... % pop_size,num_iter,1,1); % % 3D Example: % n = 35; % xyz = 10*rand(n,3); % salesmen = 5; % min_tour = 3; % pop_size = 80; % num_iter = 5e3; % a = meshgrid(1:n); % dmat = reshape(sqrt(sum((xyz(a,:)-xyz(a',:)).^2,2)),n,n); % [opt_rte,opt_brk,min_dist] = mtspof_ga(xyz,dmat,salesmen,min_tour, ... % pop_size,num_iter,1,1); % % See also: mtsp_ga, mtspf_ga, mtspo_ga, mtspofs_ga, mtspv_ga, distmat


  • 挺好的, 不亏是花了3积分
  • 三种算法均可以在MATLAB2013a下成功运行,但是注释全部为英文,故具体的实现方法还在研究中。非常感谢分享该资源
  • 不错,应该可以使用。
  • 要是给点说明就好的,说明太少了
  • 很好,程序可以跑下来,要是再多点注释就好了。
  • matlab 2010b可以运行,效果图直观,速度很快,对数学建模用处很大。
  • 我使用的是2010b,可以运行,结果非常直观,四张图分别显示了城市坐标,城市间距,所有人行进路线以及当前最优解与时间的曲线图,唯一美中不足的就是程序里的注释略少,可读性较差
  • 不错,但是只有3种类型,,并且缺少dmat文件,我来上传其他的种类吧
  • 很不错啊,我使用2010b版本的,可以运行啊
  • 很不错啊,我使用2010b版本的,可以运行啊,三个文件,分别适应不同的情况,很好很好啊~~!!
  • 不知道为什么,程序运行不了