HTML5绘图 源代码

时间:2014-06-29 08:26:03
文件名称:HTML5绘图 源代码
更新时间:2014-06-29 08:26:03
HTML5绘图 源代码 No matter what platform or tools you use, the HTML5 revolution will soon change the way you build web applications, if it hasn't already. This book gets you started with the Canvas element, perhaps HTML5's most exciting feature. Learn how to build interactive multimedia applications using this element to draw, render text, manipulate images, and create animation. Whether you currently use Flash, Silverlight, or just HTML and JavaScript, you'll quickly pick up the basics.


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  • 还行吧,虽然不是我要的东西,顺便学习新的内容
  • 不错,内容稍多一点儿的HTML5资源还是蛮难得的
  • 不错,最近在研究HTML5,值得一看